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our position

Headquarters - Shanghai

Address: No. 600, Jiye Road, Yushan Town,
Songjiang District, Shanghai
hotline:4000 - 697 - 999
phone:+86 021 59778099
fax:+86 021 54360002

Jiangxi Branch

Address: Cailing Industrial Concentration Zone,
Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
hotline:4000 - 697 - 999
phone:+86 021 59778099
fax:+86 021 54360002

Layout of 62 cities across the country, covering our services to every city in the world

Create a service platform for the entire industry chain, help enterprises scientifically select sites, and develop efficiently; assist the government to develop the industry and optimize the environment. Achieve convergence of technology, information and services